TiLTING VERTICALITIES (exercise #±1 ), nests and expands on the choreographic language of movement and experimental dances from my lived experience as a dancer; a spatial meditation sensed in direct relation to another, liberating a pre-linguistic form of knowledge. Like in dancing, moving collaboratively, the work redefines the unifying act of peaceful engagement through being in touch.

Holding each other exercising, not our muscles but our senses, to trust, to care, nurturing gatherings into new perspectives how to bring one's own equilibrium into balance, counterbalancing with others, moving and being moved simultaneously. As well as, in relationship with the choreographies and architecture of each given space. 

Each loop sculpture & elastic painting is the documentation of the performance and becomes an object of the experience that can resonate into the future.

Beyond this immersive choreographic participatory process, movement, painting & sculpture, TiLTING VERTICALITIES invites us to re-animate and sustain dances, rituals, and different dimentions of being, holding and caring together.

Its first iteration as a public performance was premiered alongside the 58th Venice Art Biennale, by invitation of James Putnam, independent curator, writer and former founder curator of the British Museum’s Contemporary Arts and Cultures Programme. And, at Giudecca Art District, art biennale’s flagship exhibitton “Body As Home” curated by Miguel Mallol.

Its following iteration called “T/LTING VERTICALITIES” was presented at MACRO—Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Roma, in Italy on same year and, during its exhibition program MACRO ASILO. With original music composed by Meilyr Jones, Timothy Cape, Peter Bellchamber, and performed by dance artists Lizzy Le Quesne, Maria Rita Salvi, Claudia Pelliccia, Davide Sportelli, Sabine Rivière and myself.

Thank you to all the dance artists holding hands with me, with this work and these images here: Alexandra Baybutt, Pepa Ubera, Lizzy Le Quesne, Carolyn Roy, Laura Doehler, Marina Collard, Iris Chan, including photographers Anne Tetzlaff and Nikki Tomlison.

Get in touch if you are curious to explore possibilities with us
at margazaol at gmail  dot  com or click here for contact form.